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Foros para participacion activa - T6lJmv28

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Foros para participacion activa => Poemas, reflexiones y pensamientos => T6lJmv28




pQJP7CD2lGkG (Visitante)
19-06-2014 15:54 (UTC)[citar]
The new year starts at the evienng after the equinox has been observed. That is always the 4th OF THE ENOCH WEEK and is the FIRST DAY OF THE ENOCH YEAR. You will need to ask the Messenger Uriel why the year is divided into 4 quarters of 30, 30, and 31 day months. Those are the laws of the Calendar as revealed to ENOCH. by Uriel. And yes the Enoch Year is only 364 days even though the solar year is 365.242 days. The extra day or two is put at the end of the year, and these days are not part of the Enoch year. The day of the week when the year starts is linked to the Feast of Firstfruits that is always on the 15th day of the Third month and is the first day of the week after the Feast of Weeks (even complete weeks).


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